What is Needed Now?

In order to advance this proposal we need contributors, depending on the phase the organization is in.

We currently are at phase 0 of improving this document.

Phase 0: Developing this scaffolding proposal <-- WE ARE HERE

During this early phase of development, we want contributors to this scaffolding document, aimed to be mostly a call to good wills.


  • Systems Thinkers to further refine the systemic aspects of this proposal or clarify it;
  • Field workers in NGOs or local associations to challenge our thinking and improve the proposal on how an organization like the one we envision could help contribute and deliver its value;
  • P2P and Commons researchers to inform this proposal about that aspect and how to connect Commons and those in need.

Other more general skills needed:

  • Graphists to embelish this document
  • Storytellers to awake the hearts of people and increase the chances of recruiting forces

Phase 1: Defining the organization

The same profiles of people as in the previous phase will be needed. Collaborative work will happen at that time to more precisely define how the organization might really look like, etc.

Specific needs:

  • Legal skills to define the best structure it could have to support its actions

Phase 2: Launching the organization

During this phase, we will need more of the same people as listed above, plus the following more skills:

  • website building
  • application development: will depend on the details of the organization and how it is expected to be contacted, diffuse Commons knowledge, etc.

Phase 3: Participating in the organization

Once we reach this last phase, the organization is up and running. We will have a pretty website, and whatever is necessary will be available to 1) let customers contact the organization and 2) contact SME on the fields or 3) organize Syntegrations to develop or improve solutions.

It's hard to know today the kind of skills that will be necessary, but probably any of the kind needed by a global NGO.

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