Manifesto for a peer-to-peer thriving world

Given that:

  • The world is experiencing a serious environmental crisis (see COP21): we want to promote new solutions of living on this planet that don't further exhaust our natural resources and endanger humanity;
  • Lots of proven solutions exist in the world (see all NGOs doing real work on the field or individuals launching successful social initiatives): we want to promote these existing solutions to where they're most needed;
  • Corporations manage our desires (through marketing) and fulfill our needs by selling us their products whose obsolescence is planned: we want our freedom of choice back and reconsider long term investment in the solutions we fancy;
  • Politics don't do what is most needed by the people: we need to foster a peer-to-peer culture where people would co-design according to their needs, not someone else from perceived needs;
  • Silo'ed science isn't adapted anymore to a world now perceived in all its complexity: we need transdisciplinarity and management of complexity brought by the latest research in systems thinking;
  • People are better moved by what they want rather than what they want to escape: we've talked enough of problems and analyzed them sufficiently to now do more of what already works or create what's lacking.

Therefore we decide to engage ourselves in:

Fostering a global peer-to-peer civilization whose people leverage systems thinking to better reconnect to their peers and the environment to identify, interconnect, amplify and refract Commons and proven solutions so that the humanity can become the best it can be in fair, sustainable and free ways.

What would the future of this project look like?

What we envision (for now) isn't like anything previously existing:

  • it might act like an NGO, without consideration of nation states, but it doesn't bring new resources to people: it helps them find the existing resources where they are;
  • it's part of the sharing economy because it crowdsources the Commons of knowledge in order to make it available to where it is most needed;
  • it's a research organization as it facilitates investigations on how to find new solutions to problems and enriches the Commons with what it finds;
  • it's a social network as well where people could make problems meet solutions, though without relying on specific hardware technology: the people is the network.

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